Red Cross in Adamawa embark on training media personnel on first aid

The Red Cross Society in Adamawa state has organized one day training exercise on First Aid for staff of Adamawa Broadcasting Corporation ABC Yola.

By Nasuru Mohammed 

The Red Cross Society in Adamawa state has organized one day training exercise on First Aid for staff of Adamawa Broadcasting Corporation ABC Yola.
The training was held at the Broadcasting House in Yola Wednesday.
In her speech, the assistant training officer of the group for Yola south Division, Malama Hauwau Abubakar Ahmed said the purpose of the training is to equip participants with basic knowledge on first aid and the Red Cross as an organization.
She said the fundamental objective of the Red Cross is to serve humanity, promote unity and voluntary activities among others.
Malama Hauwau said the organisation is working with the mass media to enlighten the public on relevant issues, adding that the training will cover all media houses in the state.
She said as a first aid giver, the first thing to do is to consider personal safety in order to render the needed care with the next step being the state of the person being attended to.
The official stressed the need for washing of hands with soap and running water before attending to patients at this period of coronavirus pandemic.
The Red Cross officials demonstrated various first aid procedures during the session.

Some Participants at the training, Abubakar Tafida and Helda Vincent commended the Red Cross Society for the programme and promised to extend the knowledge gained to their colleagues and others in the community.

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