Adamawa First Lady Assist Over 100 Widows

In continuation of activities making International Day of Widows wife Governor, Hajiya Lami Ahmadu Fintiri on Tuesday assisted one hundred households in Malamre section of Karewa ward in Yola north. 


By Umayya Njidda Abubakar

In continuation of activities making International Day of Widows wife Governor, Hajiya Lami Ahmadu Fintiri on Tuesday assisted one hundred households in Malamre section of Karewa ward in Yola north.

Making the presentation, the representative of the wife of the governor ?????? ????? ??????? urged the beneficiaries to make proper use of the items given them to reduce their hardships.

She said that the gesture was enable widows, orphans, and less the privileged to feel loved and cared for adding that the Umaru Fintiri led Administration remains ready to extend hands of fellowship to all category of people especially, the neighbours of the governor at Malamre.

Responding, the councillor representing Karewa Ward, Mr. Michael Okopi expressed gratitude to the wife of the Governor for selecting Karewa ward  to make the distribution, and prayed to God to reward her abundantly.

In their separate vote of thanks on behalf of the beneficiaries Mallam Danladi Buba Magwai, Maman Rhoda Albeta Bitrus Durkwa, Zainab Mohammed, and youth leader Malamre Yohanna Akwaba thanked Hajiya Lami Umaru Fintiri for the gesture extended to them.

According to them, it was not the first time Hajiya Lami was reaching out to them, pointing out that show of love will remain edible in their hearts.

Items distributed include wrappers, blankets, mats, rubber buckets, package of food stuff, and bag containing soap, tooth paste, pants, sanitary pads, and combs, among others.

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