Hong Communities Receives Ambulances From SGF, SDG




By Hassan Umar Shallpella

In order to save lives of pregnant mothers and sick patients living in hard to reach areas in Hong local government, Adamawa state, the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has donated Seven Emergency Tricycle Ambulances to rural health centres in the local government.

Also, Barr. Boss Mustapha Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) has donated an Ambulance bus to Pella LCCN Dispensary.

Presenting keys of the tricycles and Bus to the Council chairman and in-charge of the hospital, at a brief ceremony at Hong local government secretariat on Wednesday, an aide to the SGF Dr. Ismaila Nuhu Maksha said the intervention is to alleviate the plight of pregnant mothers and sick persons that require urgent medical attention in secondary health facility.

“The Tricycle ambulances are for the use by rural health facilities to refer patients that are in emergency or critical situation.

“SDG decided to allocate these ambulances to seven districts in Hong local government, is an appropriate technology, easy to maintain and lifesaving,” he added.

Dr. Maksha called on benefiting communities to ensure regular maintenance of the vehicles and protect them from misuse.

In his speech, Usman Waga’anda Hong local government council chairman who expressed delight with the gesture pledged the local government support of maintaining the vehicles.

He prayed that unity and understanding will continue to wax stronger amongst the people of Hong local government area.

Also, speaking, the Executive Secretary, Primary Health Care Development Authority, Hong local government, Mallam Adamu Hassan Pella said the distribution has no political undertone as benefitting health facilities were identified as hard to read areas.

In his presentation on “Emergency and Referral Ambulance”, the Principal Medical Officer, Hong Federal Medical Centre, Dr. Mshelia Andrew Mwajim emphasized that earlier referral is key and enjoyed health workers to ensure earlier referral of patients to next facility.

He explained that referral does not mean, a health worker does not know his/her work, but there is possibility the health facility has no surgical equipment or other necessary facilities to treat a patients.

Also, in his remark, the District Head of Pella, Dan Kade Adamawa and Chairman Social Mobilization Committee in the local government Alhaji Saleh Mamman Daksiri applauded the effort of the SGF of bringing development to the entire state.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, in-charge of the Pella LCCN Dispensary, Dr. Barka pledged that the vehicles would be judiciously used for the purpose intended.

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