AD-CSDA To Implement Two Disbursement Linked Indicators Under NG-CARES



By Our Reporter

As part of government efforts to mitigate effects of COVID-19 on the citizenry, Adamawa State Community and Social Development Agency, CSDA will implement two Disbursement Linked Indicators under the Nigerian COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus NG-CARES.

The General Manager of the Agency, Professor Anthony Dami who revealed this during a stakeholders’ sensitization exercise in Guyuk, Shelleng, Hong, Fufore, Yola South, Song and Gombi local government areas.

He explained that the key objectives of NG-CARES is to expand access to livelihood support and food security services as well as grants for poor, vulnerable households and firms at the grassroots.

Professor Dami stated that under Community and Vulnerable Groups Basic Service Delivery, the component will provide basic services in Health, Education, Nutrition, Water and Sanitation at community level using a community driven approach for intervention to support the vulnerable and poorest in communities of each local government area to deliver micro infrastructure projects.

He explained that under the Labour Intensive Public Workfare, it will provide immediate employment opportunity in social sectors that would address the emergency constraints of loss of labour income amongst poor and vulnerable households as a result of COVID-nineteen pandemic.

According to the General Manager, the component will provide immediate employment to three thousand, nine hundred selected unemployed and unskilled youths and women between the ages of eighteen and fifty who have the Secondary School certificate or below.

He said the beneficiaries would be engaged in micro projects that will be selected by stakeholders in their communities and a monthly stipend of ten thousand naira will be given to each beneficiary for two years within the lifespan of the programme.

Professor Dami thanked Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri for his passion to address plight of the less privileged in the society by giving all necessary support for implementation of the programme and called on stakeholders to give their maximum support for the success of the programme in their areas.

During the visit, the team members who were received by local government officials noted that the programme has a direct impact on communities and assured them of their support for success of the intervention.

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