General Manager reminds leadership of Political Parties that ban on political Campaign has not been lifted

General Manager of Adamawa Broadcasting Corporation , ABC Yola, Mr. Alleni Ethan Dah has appealed to leadership of political Parties in the state  to beware  that ban on political  campaign has not been  lifted  by the independent National Electrol Commission, INEC.

By Rukayya Mohammed Toungo

The General Manager of Adamawa Broadcasting Corporation , ABC Yola, Mr. Alleni Ethan Dah has appealed to leadership of political Parties in the state  to beware  that ban on political  campaign has not been  lifted  by the independent National Electrol Commission, INEC.

The General Manager made  the appeal Monday  when he granted  audience  to members  of Adamawa  State Interparty  advisory council  I – PAC  led  by the  chairman, Alhaji  Bello Babajo at the Broadcasting House.

He noted with regret that despite not lifting the ban on politicking, some political parties have started media campaign on the twenty twenty  three  general election which contravenes  the Electoral Art and  the Broadcasting code of the National Broadcasting Commission, NBC.

Mr. Dah observed  that such  campaign  activities  are capable  of distracting  government attention  in concentrating  on its  developmental programmes  which are geared at developing the state  for the benefit  of all.

The general Manager advised the council to organize a forum and sensitize leaders of all political parties  on the need  to steer  clear  of campaign  for now until  INEC releases  a  time  table  to that effect.

He noted that politics is all about development and charged political parties to avoid unnecessary rivalry.

Mr. Dah said in as much  as ABC  is a state  owned  radio and has a duty  to the government  and the public, the management  of the corporation  would not  compromise professionalism  in the discharge of its duties.

Earlier, the state chairman of  the interparty  Advisory Council, Alhaji  Bello Babajo said  the council  is the umbrella body of all registered  political  parties  in the  state.

He called on Adamawa citizens to come together and support the present administration in view of its developmental strides so far.

Alhaji Babajo also reminded the citizenry to join  any political  party  of their  choice  to enable  them contribute  their quota  to growth of the state instead  of criticizing  the government of the day.

He appreciated  ABC Management  for  the laudable programmes by the station and appealed to the   state  government to support  the station  to enable  it cover  the entire  state  using   state of  the art  equipment .

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