Chief Imam Harps On Reconciliation

Muslims have been reminded of the need to live in peace, show love to one another and reconcile those in dispute.


By Hassan Umar Shallpella

Muslims have been reminded of the need to live in peace, show love to one another and reconcile those in dispute.

The Chief Imam of Almashkoor Jummaát Mosque Yola town, Mallam Usman Fauzan gave the reminder on Friday, noting that it is un-Islamic for Muslims not to talk to each other for more than three days.

He enjoined Muslims to play politics without bitterness and desist from engaging themselves in activities that will breed greed and hatred among them.

Imam Fauzan quoted Surah Maídah Verse ninety-one from the Glorious Holy Qurán and some Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him warning people to be wary with Satan only wants to cause hatred and animosity amongst you.

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