112 Water Consumers Associations Registered With WASH Project In Adamawa



By Adamu Bakari Wuro Chekke

One hundred and twelve Household Heads in three local government areas of Adamawa State have registered with the Water Consumers Associations under WASH project funded by USAID.

The breakdown  are 30 Household Heads in Gangaraso and Sangasumi in Ganye local government area, 73 in Vinikilang of Girei local government area and 12 in Dumne of Song local government area of the state.

This was contained in a document presented during Tariff Collection awareness held in Ganye by the benefitting communities.

According to the document, new and rehabilitation of motorize boreholes and the construction of compartment of toilet facilities were completed in three small towns in the same communities in the three local government areas.

It said the inhabitants now enjoys daily supply of safe water piped and connected their houses with an agreement of paying a tariff of one thousand, and fifty naira  per household in a month.

It regretted that the tariff collected on monthly basis was less than twenty thousand naira due to illegal connections with Water Consumers Associations and reluctant from household heads to pay as at when due.

The document noted that in order to enlighten the populace on the importance of Water Consumers Associations media stations such as Nas FM, Adamawa Broadcasting Corporation should be use to amplify messages on water and tariff collection at zero cost in certain radio programmes.

A session on Communication Skills was facilitated by Mr Chahandi of Garga Foundation using participatory approach to explain the types of communication, channels, and barriers in relation to water connection and tariff payment.

After session on Tariff collection and understanding the 3 T’s were facilitated.  Group work was followed where participants were grouped into 3, the first group discussion on challenges on water/tariff collection and gave recommendations. Some challenges identified include; illegal water connection, leaking of pipes, reluctant to pay tariff by some households heads. Recommendation was made that community leaders/FBOs, Media, SBMC and VHPs to joint in sensitization of people to connect water and pay tariff using e-payment channels to easy payments.

The ST WASH Project is aimed at creating a sustainable and enabling environment for Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Agencies (STWSSAs) and Water Consumers Associations (WCAs) to operate. The ST WASH Project is aimed at creating a sustainable and enabling environment for Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Agencies (STWSSAs) and Water Consumers Associations (WCAs) to operate.

To underscore the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene better known as WASH, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 6.1 and 6.2 on increased access to water, sanitation and hygiene.

According to Water Action Hub, the SDGs targets are that “by 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all” and “by 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.”


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