Muslim Council, Adamawa State Chapter Establishes ICT Centre



By Hassan Umar Shallpella

In the spirit to go with globalization in its activities and in tune with changing times, Muslim Council, Adamawa State Chapter has established Information and Technology Centre, ICT.

Similarly,  the council has set up a non-governmental organization ‘Pathway Awareness For Initiative’ that would provide relief and other services to the needy, strengthening Zakkat and Waqaf committees to enhance the economic status of less privileged Muslims in the state.

State Chairman of the council, Alhaji Gambo Jika disclosed this Sunday while inaugurating new officials of the council for Yola South local Government area held at Adroit International Academy, Yola.

“We have also commenced the construction of a Revertee Centre to serve as an Educational point for those who reverted to DEEN. The earlier plan for the establishment of a faith-based clinic to cater to the health needs of Ummah is still on course,” Jika said.

He charged the new Executive members to fear Allah and do justice to all by bringing on board all Islamic organizations in the local government area and serving as a bridge among Muslims and non-Muslims as well as ensuring branches of the council at District and ward levels are functional.

“You meet regularly at the EXCO level together with appointed Advisers. It is also mandatory for you to meet with the General Purpose Committee (GPC), as the constitution demands because the EXCO derives its authority from the GPC and it is the GPC that supervises the activities of the EXCO,” Jika explained.

The chairman while congratulating the new Executive members over their elections, charged them to operate based on the constitution of the council, stressing that the state headquarters of the council will monitor their activities in line with the provision of the constitution.

Jika then thanked Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, Lamido Adamawa, Doctor Muhammadu Barkindo Aliyu Mustafa, and other traditional rulers for their support of the organization.

Responding on behalf of those inaugurated, the new Chairman of the council for Yola South local government, Engineer Mohammed Bashir Buba vowed to uphold the constitution of the organization in piloting the affairs of the council.


He enumerated some of the challenges of the council to include, lack of befitting secretariat, furniture, computers, printers, electric generators, and vehicle, and called on Muslim Ummah to assist the organization in overcoming the challenges.

Earlier, the outgone Secretary of the Council, Mallam Ibrahim Njidda who spoke on behalf of the outgone Chairman Mallam Musa Sambo Ngurore urged Muslims to cooperate and support the new leadership to enable succeed.


In a remark, the Chairman Shura committee, Yola South local government Alkali Dahiru Waziri Dudi reminded the new EXCO not to betray the confidence repose on them, and work in unison for the growth of the organization.

There were goodwill messages from State Commissioner, Ministry of Transport Alhaji Jika Mustapha, Mohammed Saidu Aliyu, Chairman Muslim Council Makama ‘A’ and Chief Imam Hosere Mbebe, Imam Mahmud.

The twenty member EXCO and fifteen Advisers are to run the affairs of the council for the period of three years.

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