NGO donates food items to Dabna community

A non-Governmental organization share foundation in Germany and Nigeria has donated foods items, and building materials worth millions of naira to Dabna community in Hong local government area. Similarly, it has distributed instructional materials to forty Schools in michika and madagali local governments.

By Jessica John Bakari

A non-Governmental organization share foundation in Germany and Nigeria has donated foods items, and building materials worth millions of naira to Dabna community in Hong local government area. Similarly, it has distributed instructional materials to forty Schools in michika and madagali local governments.

Mr Markus Gamache who is the country representative of the share foundation and Nigeria made the donation of three hundred bags of rice, three packs of Maggie cubes, one hundred and seventy bags of cements, seventy thousand blocks, ten buddles of zincs as well as cash to Dabna in Garha district of Hong local government area.

Similarly, share foundation Nigeria has distributed instructional materials to forty Schools in michika and madagali local governments as part of its educational support for Boko Haram victims in the two local governments.

Mr Markus Gamache also visited Michika local government and donated text books, note books, pens and Bibles to many schools destroyed as a result of insurgency with view to improving the standard of education in the area.

He explained that share foundation in Germany and Nigeria were informed of the attack on the community where nineteen lives were lost, five people hospitalized two places of worships destroyed including a house and four shops.

Mr Markus said share foundation Nigeria is a non-political, or Religious, ethnic organization but it renders support the needy particularly those in crisis areas irrespective of their ethnic background.

The team leader while commiserating with the victims of the attack prayed God to avert the reoccurrence calling on them to vigilant at all times.

Responding on behalf of the Dabna community,Mr Hylati yaduma the CAN chairman of Dabna, Mrs Zaitan Himiya pastor Amos Habila thanked share foundation Nigeria for the gesture and prayed God to bless them abundantly.

Receiving the items Mrs Ladi Abraham wuta, Dauda zira head master of a private school, Reverend Jacob Vandi representing Christian Association of Nigeria michika and madagali,Mallam Bappa Hammam from Muslim council Michika, Ayuba Vahyla all thanked the donor describing the gesture as timely as it will help in boosting the education of their children.

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