Governor Fintiri Pledges to remain focus towards delivering Adamawa from shackles of backwardness

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri on Tuesday said that his administration will continue to remain sacrosanct towards delivering the state from the shackles of backwardness and ensure its unity and development.

By Muhammad B Muhammad

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri on Tuesday said that his administration will continue to remain sacrosanct towards delivering the state from the shackles of backwardness and ensure its unity and development.

He stated this when he received stakeholders from the five local government areas in Adamawa north zone who paid him a solidarity visit to commiserate with him on the recent looting of public and private facilities by some hoodlums.

The Governor said he will never change on his mission of taking Adamawa to the next level and dared those opposing him to stop thinking that he will be distracted with the recent unfortunate incident planned by some of those he described as miscreants.

He thanked the stakeholders for the visit and called on parents, religious leaders and traditional rulers to ensure proper moral upbringing of youths while government will continue to do its part to prioritize the welfare of youths.

In his remark, the District Head of Gella, Alhaji Sali Bello who spoke on behalf of Mubi South community consoled the Governor on the recent up-rising and urged him not to be deterred by the recent activities of the hoodlums.

On his part, the spokesman of Madagali community Baba Bello Pur described the Governor as a detribalized leader and prayed to God to guide and grant him courage in piloting the affairs of the state.

Contributing, Alhaji Usman Nasir who spoke on behalf of Maiha community identifies with Governor Fintiri on the up-rising and called on parents to ensure moral upbringing of their wards.

Baba Sini Kwabe said the actions of the hoodlums are totally condemnable and declared that Governor Fintiri was performing tremendously in the northern zone in the areas of roads and health  care delivery among other sectors.

Alhaji Abdulkadir a business mogul in Mubi zone who spoke for Mubi north community commended the Governor on the steps taken towards quelling the up-rising and advised him to continue to unite people of Adamawa.

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